moen jo daro was built around 2600 bec it was re discovered in 1922 by rakhaldas bandyopadhyay moen jo daro oldest city it is located in sindh near larkana the ridge is now build by the floding plains but was prominent during the time of the indus vally civilization historical signifance moen jo daro in ancient time was most likely on of the largest cities of ancient indus valley civilization it is most planes city of south asia and also good looking city the dancing girls found in moen jo daro is an artifact that is some 4500 yare old the 10.8cm long bronez statue of the dancing girl was found in 1926 from a house of the moen jo daro john marshall one of the excavators at moen jo daro descriebed her as vivid impression of the young girl her hand on her hip half impudent postuer and legs silghtly forward many intersting things found in moenjo daro such as bull of a head jewellery old pots a dancing girl etc